Society for the Social Study of Mobile Communications

The Society for the Social Study of Mobile Communication (SSSMC) is intended to facilitate the international advancement of cross-disciplinary mobile communication studies. It is intended to serve as a resource and to support a network of scholarly research as to the social consequences of mobile communication.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Call for Papers, Extended Abstracts, Posters, Demonstrations, Workshops, Tutorials
22nd to 24th of September 2015
Tampere, Finland

Long and short papers, posters, demonstrations, workshops and extended abstracts due on:
— DEADLINE 31st of July 2015

Tutorials due on:
— DEADLINE 24th of August

In cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGMM, and ACM SIGCHI

Contributions will be published in the ACM digital library and a selected set of high-level work will be published as book chapters or in journals.

We are pleased to invite you to the Academic Mindtrek conference, 22nd to 24th September 2015, which brings together a cross-disciplinary crowd of people to investigate current and emerging topics of media and technology in many facets. The conference explores academically the emerging and frontier-breaking applications of new media and technology in everyday contexts of leisure, business and organizational life. 23rd and 24th September 2015 will be the main Academic Mindtrek days with other Mindtrek Openmind Conference sessions starting at the 22nd.

The academic conference features seven major themes (detailed description below):
(Open) Data
  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Games
  • Interactive Experience Demonstrators
  • Ubiquitous Media
  • Media Studies
  • Media Management and Business

Why to Participate?
The COSS Association (COSS – the Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions) hosts a yearly conference, where the Academic Mindtrek conference has been a part of this unique set of events comprising competitions, world famous keynote speakers, plenary sessions, media festivals, and workshops since 1997. It is a meeting place where researchers, experts and thinkers present results from their latest work regarding the development of Internet, interactive media, and the information society. It is a real chance for media and technology enthusiasts to think outside the box.

Furthermore, it brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines that are involved in the development of media and technology in various fields, ranging from sociology and the economy to technology. The highest ranked papers are also published in academic journals (The highest ranked papers will be published in academic journals (e.g. in 2013 we published a selected set of articles in ACM Computers in Entertainment, Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business, and the International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence. The scientific part of the conference is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGMM, and ACM SIGCHI. Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library). It also provides a chance to learn from the vast media and technology genre at large and allows participants to exchange views with cross-disciplinary experts.

The conference aims to provide insights about the convergence of the various media and the future of media and boasts of several high-level keynote speakers. A few examples from previous years: Steve Wozniak (Co-Founder, Apple Computers), David S. Cohen (Editor, Variety), Robert Neuman (Disney), Vili Lehdonvirta (University of Oxford), Keith Partridge, Tomi T. Ahonen (Consultant), Latif Ladid (IPV6 Forum), Beat Schwegler (Microsoft), Cinzia dal Zotto (Univ. of Neuchatel), Ari Ojansivu (Google), Ramine Darabiha (Rovio), Molly Ränge (Crowdculture), Slava Kozlov (Philips Design), Dave Nielsen (CloudCamp), Janne Järvinen (F-Secure), Olavi Toivainen (Nokia), Herbert Snorrason (OpenLeaks), Tuija Aalto (YLE), Juha Kaario (Varaani), among many others.

1. (Open) Data
ICT plays a pivotal role in the development of digital economy, applications ranging from various industry sectors, science, E-Government and E-Learning, to informal group collaboration. The key ingredient in most of these areas is access to well-understood, good-quality data. But what data is interesting and where does it come from? How to access it, analyze it, or to build applications or ecosystems based on it? In the (Open) Data track, we are looking for submissions that introduce methods and applications based on the already available data sets, or describe and analyze new data sets, or both. In addition to the usual scientific peer review criteria, the evaluation of submissions enclosing new data sets includes novelty, design and availability.

2. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) track aims to address the affective aspects of design, development and implementation of interfaces and the design of human and technology interaction. The wide field of HCI sets out to discuss issues around human computer interaction modalities, consumer experience, design of computer systems, human aspects, universal media access, ergonomics, communication, novel interaction modalities, privacy, trusted systems, interaction theories, and sociological and psychological factors. The track is targeted to the scientific community dealing with several applied and theoretical aspects of HCI. It brings together people from diverse areas that provide a multidisciplinary forum for academics, designers and practitioners to discuss the challenges and processes of contemporary topics in Human-Computer Interaction.

The HCI track themes include, but are not limited to, the following general subject areas:
  • Design (Experience design, Interaction design techniques and methods, User interaction and HCI design, Designing for experience and interactivity, Analysis, theories, and procedures in interaction design)
  • User experience (measuring user experience, UX methods & techniques, applications & user studies)
  • Technology (Adaptive and personalized interfaces, Architectures for interaction, Cloud computing & Mobile HCI, Multimodal interface & Second screens)
  • Evaluation (Evaluation, and implementation of interactive systems, Creativity, practices and innovation in HCI, Evaluation methods and techniques, Evaluation/Comparison of Usability and UX methods)
  • HCI methods and theories (Methods, systems, and toolkits supporting HCI, Human centered computing and understanding interaction, Interactivity methods, Phenomena surrounding interactivity)

3. Games
The culture, development and business of games has become increasingly varied. The current trends range from virtual reality and wearable gaming to freemium business models and serious games. Games research is a multidisciplinary field featuring diverse approaches to understand the phenomenon of games and play.

Academic MindTrek has an inclusive approach in the Games track focusing on novel, innovative and even unorthodox games research from theoretical works, empirical case studies to constructive projects. The Games track themes include, but are not limited to, the following subject areas:
  • Design (interaction, mechanics, interfaces)
  • Evaluation (game experience, playability, usability)
  • Development (tools, engines, AI, audiovisual)
  • Business (digital distribution, crowdfunding, revenue models, virtual goods)
  • Platforms (online, social, mobile, desktop)
  • Technology (virtual, augmented and altered reality)
  • Serious games (education, health, persuasive, simulations)
  • Gamification (motivation, effects, case studies)
  • eSports (culture, streaming, fandom)
  • Hybrid games (digital-physical, board games, toys)
  • Online gambling (lottery, casino, betting)
  • Players (demographics, inclusivity, accessibility)
  • Indie (innovation, modding, transgressive)

4. Interactive Experience Demonstrators
The aim is to gather interactive experience demonstrators from researchers and professionals from the communities related to the topics of Mindtrek. The objective for the interactive experience demonstrators is to show the state of the art in the themes of Mindtrek for the audience of the whole Mindtrek conference. The target audience includes members of the academic community, industry, and laboratories who can demonstrate the results of their research projects with a practical interactive experience implementation. Interactive experience demonstrators will be running in the main area of the Mindtrek conference for the whole academic and main conference duration. In this way the practical results of academic research results will gain maximum attention. In comparison to regular demonstrations, the interactive experience demonstrators should be available to be used by all conference visitors, and they should require a significant experiential factor (e.g., they should be entertaining). Because of space requirements, in maximum five interactive experience demonstrators will be selected for the conference.

5. Ubiquitous Media
Ubiquitous Media track is focused on addressing the underlying concept of ubiquitous computing where different media is considered to be available everywhere- anytime and anywhere. Different new paradigms are used as synonyms of this new concept namely ambient media, ambient intelligence and pervasive computing. Originally this concept was initiated from the early work of tablets, pads and board which literally expanded towards the present mobile computing. This track is aimed to the multi and inter disciplinary research community where computer and social scientists along with anthropologists and philosophers can contribute towards coming up with different radical knowledge. Designers and practitioners from different field of research can under the same hood bring different challenges of Ubi-media and then take a holistic view on how to overcome those challenges by creating new knowledge in this growing research field.

The Ubiquitous Media track themes include, but are not limited to, the following subject of interests:
  • Theories and models for Ubi-media
  • Methods of Ubi-media design and evaluation
  • Internet of things
  • Ubiquitous mobile computing
  • Natural user interface
  • Ambient media and ambient intelligence
  • Tangible interface
  • Design and construction of smart ubiquitous device
  • Evaluation of complex Ubi-media design

6. Media Studies
In the digital age, media consumption is constantly changing and social media has blurred the boundary between media producers and consumers. This track concentrate on understanding today’s media consumption practices and changing behaviors, including research on ethical, regulatory, and policy issues. In particular, we welcome work on novel mechanisms for evaluating the impact of intermediality and media convergence including the analysis of social media and networks forming around film and television. The track is dedicated to promoting a broad understanding of film, television, and digital media through theoretical, methodological and empirical research.

7. Media Management and Business
Media business and media management face the challenges of the emergence of new forms of digital media and focuses on leadership practices, business models and value chains. It discusses competition, patterns of media usage, advertising models, and how traditional media can cope with the challenges coming from digital media focusing on media business and media management issues.

The scientific part of the conference is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGMM, and ACM SIGCHI. Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library, which includes short and long papers, workshop proposals, demonstration proposals, and tutorial proposals. Extended abstracts will be published in the adjunct conference proceedings; however, they will not be published within the ACM Digital Library. Selected high-quality papers will be published in international journals, as book chapters, edited books, or via open access journals.

There will also be a reward for the overall best paper from the academic conference. All the papers should follow the style guidelines of the conference.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed double blinded, therefore please remove any information that could give an indication of the authorship. Short papers should be between 2-4 pages long and the paper presentation will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion within a session; long papers should be 6-8 pages and will be presented in 20 minutes slots, plus 5 minutes discussion.

Feel free to suggest workshops which are co-organized with the Academic Mindtrek. Workshop proposals should include the organizing committee, a two-page description of the theme of the workshop, a short CV of organizers, duration, the proceedings publisher, and the schedule. Workshop organizers also have the possibility to add publications to the main conference proceedings. Depending on the attracted number of papers for each workshop, we provide space for either half-day or full-day workshops. Previous examples include e.g. a workshop on eLearning. Nevertheless, feel free to suggestion your own.

Interactive experience demonstrator proposals shall be either short or full papers and include: a) a description and motivation of the interactive experience demonstrator; b) general architecture of the interactive experience demonstrator; c) description of the main features of the demonstrator; d) a brief comparison with other existing relatedinteractive experience demonstrators; e) audio-visual materials to illustrate the interactive experience demonstrator (a poster or a roll-up and other material on a laptop, for example); f) the type of license (if applicable), g) the Internet address of the interactive experience demonstrator (if applicable), and h) description of the scientific basis behind the interactive experience demonstrator (e.g., a regular paper presentation). It is strongly recommended that the authors make the interactive experience demonstrator (or a suitable version or movie) on the Internet during the evaluation.

Tutorial proposals should include a two-page description of the tutorial, intended audience, a short CV, timetable, required equipment, references, and a track record of previous tutorials. The target length of tutorials is 2-4 hours. Previous examples include a tutorial on audio based media. However, feel free to suggest your own.

Extended abstracts should be between 1-2 pages long and contain 500-800 words. They should describe the research problem, background, research questions, and the contribution to the conference. Extended abstracts will not be published within the ACM digital library.

Posters should be between 2-3 pages long and a poster should be presented during the conference. Attendees have the possibility to exhibit their posters on a A0 poster wall during the conference.

31st July 2015:
DEADLINE for workshop proposals, long papers (6-8 pages), short papers(3-4 pages), extended abstracts (1-2 pages), posters (1-2 pages) and demonstrations (2-3 pages) submissions.

24th August 2015:
Acceptance/rejection (Notification) for papers, extended abstracts, posters and demos

24th August 2015:
DEADLINE for tutorials

1st September 2015:
Camera ready papers and copyright forms

7th September 2015:
Conference registration & submission copyright forms

22nd – 24th September 2015:
Academic Mindtrek and Mindtrek Openmind Business Conference

Conference Chair
Markku Turunen, Tampere Univ. (UTA), FIN

Programme Chair
Janne Paavilainen, Tampere Univ. (UTA), FIN

Track Chair: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Pauliina Tuomi, University of Turku, FIN

Track Chair: Games
Janne Paavilainen, Tampere Univ. (UTA), FIN

Track Chair: Open Data
Ossi Nykänen, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Track Chair: Demos
Markku Turunen, Tampere Univ. (UTA), FIN

Track Chair: Media Management and Business
Johanna Grüblbauer, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (FH), AT

Track Chair: Ubiquitous Media
Moyen Mustaquim, Uppsala Univ. (UU), SWE

Track Chair: Media Studies
Jaakko Hakulinen, Tampere Univ. (UTA), FIN

ACM Proceedings Chair
Silvia Rubio Hernandez, Tampere Univ. (UTA), FIN

Local Arrangement Chair and Conference Management
Olli Purma, COSS Association, FIN
Mindtrek Openmind Conference Chair
Timo Väliharju, COSS Association, FIN

Please follow the manuscript formatting guidelines for formatting all submissions. Please download the prescribed format from

Note that since the papers will be published by the ACM digital library all authors need to sign an ACM copyright form. (For further guidelines see: ( The copyright form would be sent through an automated system only for accepted papers.
Please submit your work here:

Supported by
COSS Association, MindTrek Association, City of Tampere, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Tampere University (UTA), Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)