Budapest, Hungary
December 7-8, 2011
Speakers included:
Laura Cull
James E. Katz
Zoltan Kovecses
John Mullarkey
Klaus Sachs-Hombach
Barry Smith
Frederik Stjernfelt
are invited from educational, communication, and media theorists;
philosophers, linguists, psychologists, and other interested scholars on
the following and related topics:
- educational theory and visual learning pictorial skills
- pictorial communication
- visual intelligence
- the visual mind
- ontology of images
- the image problem in the history of philosophy
- visual argument
- diagrammatic reasoning
- scientific visualization
- visualization and higher education
- information visualization
- image and language
- the use of images in foreign language teaching
- image and creativity
- images in the network age
- educational theory and visual learning pictorial skills
- pictorial communication
- visual intelligence
- the visual mind
- ontology of images
- the image problem in the history of philosophy
- visual argument
- diagrammatic reasoning
- scientific visualization
- visualization and higher education
- information visualization
- image and language
- the use of images in foreign language teaching
- image and creativity
- images in the network age