Society for the Social Study of Mobile Communications

The Society for the Social Study of Mobile Communication (SSSMC) is intended to facilitate the international advancement of cross-disciplinary mobile communication studies. It is intended to serve as a resource and to support a network of scholarly research as to the social consequences of mobile communication.

Monday, April 27, 2015

CFP: Special Issue on Social Media

We write to invite you to submit a manuscript for consideration in a special issue title “Psychological Advances in Social Media.” The special issue is part of a new, innovative journal titled Translational Issues in Psychological Science, co-sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA) and American Psychological Association Graduate Students (APAGS).

As someone who has published in the area of social media research, we invite you to submit a manuscript to the third issue of this journal, due out in the middle of 2016. For this issue the Editors will consider manuscripts across a broad area of social media research with special emphasis on:

  • The relation between social media use and mental and physical well-being
  • The impact of individual differences on social media use
  • The implications of social media for clinical research and practice
  • Social media and privacy concerns
  • Cognitive, social and/or developmental processes in social media use
  • Social media and Internet memes
Manuscripts submitted to TPS should be co-authored by at least one psychologist in training (graduate student, postdoctoral fellow), should be written concisely for a broad audience, and focus on the practical implications of the research presented in the manuscript. For more information about the journal, including detailed instructions to authors, visit the TPS website (

The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2015. Please feel free to forward this correspondence to interested colleagues and the psychologists in training with whom you work.

Warm wishes,

Mary Beth Kenkel, PhD

Rosanna Guadagno, PhD
Special Issue Editor

About the Journal:

Translational Issues in Psychological Science (TPS) is a critical issues translational journal, with each issue on a different topic representing multiple viewpoints on psychological science. Each issue of TPS concentrates on a single important, timely, and/or potentially controversial theme in translational science that is of broad interest to scientists, practitioners, and the general public. Each article covers a body of basic scientific research and concludes with an application section.

Each issue is edited by a team consisting of the Special Issue Editor, who is an expert in the topical area, and three mentored Associate Editors, who are psychologists in advanced stages of training (i.e. advanced doctoral students or post-doctoral psychologists).

TPS is also unique in the scope of readership. The journal begins with over 25,000 subscribers, consisting of APAGS and APA members, but also institutions and individuals outside of the association. Further, as it is included in PsycARTICLES® and PsycINFO®, the most used psychological databases, members from over 3,300 institutions−a potential 60 million viewers−have the chance to find and read each article published in TPS.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

CFP: Digital and Social Media

CFP: HICSS Social Networking And Community (Twitter: #hicss_snc)
TRACK: Digital and Social Media
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 49, January 5-8, 2016, Grand Hyatt, Kauai, Hawaii
PAPERS DUE: June 15, 2015 via the HICSS conference system

Karine Nahon, University of Washington and the Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya,<> (Primary Contact)
Caroline Haythornthwaite, University of British Columbia,<>

This HICSS minitrack has been ongoing since 2003 under various titles. Papers address the interrelationship between social networking and communities in all aspects of our (online and offline) lives.  We call for papers that address research, theory, practice, and/or policy around our new interlinkages via social media in support of communities of practice, inquiry, and interest for business, political, social, learning, and gaming initiatives and outcomes. In previous years, the minitrack has been among the largest at the conference, and ‘best papers’ from the minitrack have often received the ‘Best Paper in Track’ awards.

We call for papers that address social networks and communities supported and/or complemented by social media for work, learning, socializing, economic and/or political processes, and/or that address theory, design, practices, use or evaluation of such social media use.  We encourage papers that address communities in a broad sense of its use, including communities of practice, epistemic communities, or communities of inquiry; as well as fully virtual communities, and social media use that supports or complements geographically based community. We particularly encourage papers that: advance our understanding of social network growth, formation, structure and outcomes through social media; advance out understanding of the design of social media technologies and practices for effective community development and maintenance; studies of socio-technical aspects of social media use that explore how the technology relates to social outcomes; theoretical studies that explore models and principles of social media design, use and outcomes. This year we will give space to more exploratory and theoretical papers than in the past.

Examples of possible interdisciplinary topics of interest in these contexts include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Social, political and/or economic impact of social media
  • Crowds and Communities as sociological phenomenon in the digital economy
  • Community development and community informatics
  • Design, development, and user studies of social media
  • Design of online crowds and/or communities of practice, inquiry or interest
  • Online learning communities: structures, implementations, and practices
  • Serious leisure online
  • Organizational behavior of communities
  • Behavior in online gaming communities
  • Social network studies and analyses of online crowds and communities
  • Mobile applications, services and use for and by online communities
  • Case studies and topologies of online communities
  • Case studies and analyses of the rise and fall of social network sites and online communities
  • Theoretical models of online crowds and communities, social media use, etc.
  • Models and cases of synergies and/or conflicts between offline and online worlds
  • Critical perspectives on social media and local and/or virtual community
  • Research methods for the study of social networking and community

The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) is one of the high-quality and longest-standing continuously running scientific conferences. It brings together researchers from diverse fields (Information, computer, social and system science) and is devoted to the advance in the information, computer and system sciences.


June 15, 2015   --   SUBMIT FULL MANUSCRIPTS FOR REVIEW as instructed. The review is double-blind; therefore, this initial submission must be without author names.

Aug 15, 2015   -- Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. It is very important that at least one author of each accepted paper attend the conference. Therefore, all travel guarantees – including visa or your organization’s fiscal funding procedures – should begin immediately.  Make sure your server accepts the review system address

Sept 15, 2015  -- SUBMIT FINAL PAPER.  Add author names to your paper, and submit your Final Paper for Publication to the site provided in your Acceptance Notice.  (This URL is not public knowledge.)

Oct 1, 2015   -- EARLY REGISTRATION FEE DEADLINE. At least one author of each paper should register by this date in order secure publication in the Proceedings.  Fees will increase on Oct 2 and Dec 2.

Oct 15, 2015   -- Papers without at least one paid-in-full registered author may be deleted from the Proceedings and not scheduled for presentation; authors will be so notified by the Conference Office.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

CFP: Genre Innovation

The Journal of Media Innovations

Call for Papers!

Special Issue - Spring 2016 (Vol. 3, Issue 1)

‘Genre Innovation’

As media matures, the importance of genre increases. Changes in hardware platforms, infrastructure and code tend to stabilize over time, at least temporarily. In such calm phases, genre innovation and consequent differentiation becomes pertinent and important. In this special issue of The Journal of Media Innovation* <> we call for contributions that will demonstrate, discuss and challenge the phenomenon and notion of *genre innovation* across media.

Contributions may be:
  • *analytical* and conduct comparative studies of concrete genres and individual texts in film, literature, music, art, TV, web, games, location–based & mobile media;
  • *theoretical,* by investigating the interactions between different tradition's concepts, perspectives and modes of reflection in film studies, literary theory, semiotics, rhetorics, narratology, game studies and aesthetics; and/or
  • *constructive* and by design experimentation with invention of new prototypical and prospective genres, in particular based on the rapid changes in digital hardware and software and the expressive potential they render possible in media design, HCI, interaction design, game design etc.

The aim of the special issue is to bring together genre theories and practices from different media in order to explore and map the intricate web of affinities and relationships between the various perspectives and positions, and thus enrich our multi–disciplinary understanding of the family resemblances and patterns that connect the complex field of genre invention, –innovation and –theory.

About the Journal

The Journal of Media Innovations* explores how changing technologies and changing modes of usage and engagement with media bring about innovations in media.  It is an Open Access journal published by Fritt (Frie tidskrifter fra UiO), using the Open Journal Systems. Under this system, authors retain copyright of their work.

Special Issue Editors

Gunnar Liestøl and Andrew Morrison

General Editors

Editor: Charles Ess; Editorial Assistant: Anders Olaf Larsson

Submission and Publication Information:

Deadline for Submission of Papers: 30 September 2015; Publication Date: 15 January 2016. Articles should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length and follow the *Journal* stylesheet (APA). Please see the *Journal* website for further author and submission information: <>. All articles will be reviewed in a double-blind system.  Inquiries concerning the special issue should be addressed to: Gunnar Liestøl <> and Andrew Morrison <>. Other inquiries should be addressed to: Anders Olaf Larsson <>.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

CFP: #FAIL! Things that didn't work out in social media research - and what we can learn from them.

#FAIL! Things that didn't work out in social media research - and what we can learn from them

1st #FAIL! workshop (#fail2015a)
Held at Web Science Conference 2015 (#websci15)
June 29, 2015
Oxford, UK
THEME: Things that didn't work out in social media research - and what we can learn from them

Have you ever tried approaches in social media research that did not quite work out? Now is the time to share these experiences!
We would like everyone to submit their individual stories of "failed" research approaches in the field of studying social media and social media users. We are looking for examples from all phases of the research process (e.g. data collection, data processing, data analysis, data sharing, also including administrative tasks, research ethics and legal challenges) that did not work out as expected.
Presented case studies should help other researchers in the field to advance research methodology by identifying unsuccessful approaches and to inspire discussions on alternative solutions.

Submission deadline: May 16, 2015 (23:59 Hawaii time – no extension)
Notification: May 26, 2015
Camera-ready: June 20, 2015
Workshop date: June 29, 2015
WebSci15 Conference dates: June 28 to July 1, 2015

Early bird registration for WebSci15: May 28, 2015

Submissions should be extended abstracts of 1,000 to 2,000 words.

Submissions will be made via EasyChair:

Please see the workshop website for details on how to prepare and submit your proposal: